Jack Duggan's poem for Genevieve

Genevieve gently winding down

Always the Indian
left tied to a tree
forgotten for hours
– a brave Indian.

At the Melbourne Public Library
happy among the knowledge
kept in its castles of books and
tiers of drawers
until the Patriarch ordained

to Nursing in Ballarat
but knowledge
rose triumphant
she won the Nursing Prizes

Occasional suitors but
along came Bill
a tough Border Riverina farmer
set in his ways but he loved his

Children came - she lost Margaret
but the others prospered
Michael the Jesuit editor
James the Radiologist, master of X-rays
Elizabeth tripped over an English Canon
then found a Canadian academic
and happiness

After Bill life was not so full
Genevieve stayed alert
read Quadrant and articles of depth
knew the strength and weakness of
politics and business

Despite arthritic carpals
she tended her tiny gardens
managed the family business
James gave her Purdy the foxie
to commune with and cherish

Mum often said: “You keep your daughters
but lose your sons.”
Oceans lured them
to carve careers
in PNG & Kiwi land.’  
Madeline, Cate & Gen
stayed  in Australia’s East

Always close to Genevieve
John stayed in touch
had honeymoon and holidays with
Genevieve and Bill and later
Gen and her kids

All must come to pass and
Gen is winding down – peacefully
Michael is there picking up the baton
from Jennette who spreads
a Veterinary career, motherhood & a lifestyle block
- in her busy life she makes  time for Gen.

So Genevieve lies silent
the ever uncomplaining ‘Indian’
her mind has gone ahead
she calmly contemplates the causeway
as her life spirit fades

A slowly flowing stream
that leads to Heaven
to Bill and Margaret, Dad and Mum
and Cate who have preceeded her -
she smiles and lies there waiting

Genevieve is winding down,

RIP (6:45 am Australian time, 3 Aug 2012)

Her brother
Jack Duggan
‘The Stockade’,
4 Kio Road Hataitai
Wellington NZ

Read by William Mullins: