The Duggans of Tarnagulla

Email from Jack Duggan 23/6/14:

An interesting excerpt from Dan the family genealogist. The poms hung two of our lot. Also a couple of ours were at Eureka Stockade. And Tomorrow is the anniversary of our first Australian ancestor Michael Duggan who died as a leading figure in Tarnagulla in 1882. 

Don't know how old he was when he died but it was good for the times. Mary & I have stayed at the Tarnagulla house.  I spent holidays there as a kid. The Tarnagulla Duggans Were great mates. The house a Tarnagulla is I think called TARA John.


From Dan Duggan:

Notes for Michael DUGGAN: BIO:

Came from ~BBRUREE~b in the Barony of Connelo, County Limerick, Ireland accompanied by his sister Catherine, by sailing ship HYDRABAD?? in the year 1849, landing in Sydney. Catherine married Michael DALY shortly after and they and most of their descendants have remained in NSW. Michael Duggan was storekeeping for a few years and on the 3rd May 1854 married Johanna Hogan who, with several of her brothers had arrived from Tipperary about the same time. They went to Hargreave's Goldfields (where gold was first discovered in Australia). Their eldest son DANIEL JOSEPH DUGGAN was born at Duggan's Hill Hargreaves in 1856. Within the next year or so they went to Victoria and took up land at Murphy's Flat near Tarnagulla - a well known goldfield, where Michael Duggan died on the 24th June 1882.

The name Michael Duggan appears in the application for a NEW SCHOOL at Tarnagulla - school roll shows James Duggan family

The Duggan house at Tarnagulla is still owned and occupied by part of the Duggan family.


NAME: Michael DUGGAN (#1)~b

Born in the village of BRUREE, Barony of Conelo, County Limerick, Ireland

Notes for Johanna HOGAN: BIO:

At the residence of Genevieve Mullins , nee DUGGAN, there is a pencil drawing of a Teresa Daly the daughter of Catherine HOGAN - there is another drawing which appears to have been done at the same time and that is Daniel Joseph Duggan, 3 years, Louisa Creek NSW, 1859.


Two family members (Hogans) hung at Limerick in the supression of the Fenian rebellion


Photo of the illuminated address that was last week reframed and hung in the Sydney home of Michael Mullins.

6 responses
I am wanting to make contact with Dan Duggan. I am descended from Johanna (Hogan) Duggan's brother, Daniel Hogan, who also lived in Tarnagulla but later farmed at Eddington. Am interested to find out more about those two Hogan family members who were hung at Limerick. Kindest regards, Mary
Mary, we're happy to put you in touch with Dan. Send an email to and Dan we will forward it to Dan.
Hi. I am a descendent of DJ Duggan. I am the grand daughter of Michael, one of his sons. I am researching our history and would love to be in contact with Dan. Kate
Dear Kate, Thanks for your contact. Unfortunately Dan died about 15 months ago and I can't think of another member of the family who currently has the same level of devotion to the history of the Duggans. However his widow Judy may have access to electronic materials he has compiled and could be of use to you. If you send me and email with your actual email address with the request, I will forward it to her. Kind regards, Michael
Dear Michel I’m so sorry to hear that. This is my email address. I would be very grateful if you could pass this on to Judy. I am very interested in family history, and continue to research it. Many thanks Kate Dr Kate Duggan Team Leader Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Griffin Suite 15 Bailey's Corner Arcade 143 London Circuit Canberra CIty 2600 +61439305225
Apologies Michael. My email is