The Tallangatta Valley Mullins descendents

Patrick Mullins (1825-1922) migrated from Co. Clare, Ireland, about 1845. He m. Anne Liddy, taking up land near Yackandandah. Four chn. were born before they moved in 1880 to Tallangatta Creek (Cascade) and seven more afterwards.

These included:

Michael, (1873-1957, m. Elizabeth Curley Albury, two chn. William and Anne);
Bridget, (1862-1916 m. Thomas Carr, dau. Mary);
James, (Jim, 1876-1928 m. 1. Catherine Kirk, dau of Edward and Mary Ann Kirk, one ch. Mollie; Catherine d. 1905; James then m. 2. the governess Nellie Kelly, 8 further chn: Mona 1911-1933, Ellen 'Girlie' 1913-1981, John 1914, Thomas 1916, Margaret 1919, Josephine d. young, Patricia 1921 and Matthew 1923-1969.
Fr William Mullins (1879-1922), spend  his boyhood in the Valley, became a priest in charge of Tamworth parish for 8 years; d. aged 42;
Margaret, (d. 1925) m. James O'Connor; daughters Eileen and Molly;

The Mullins were the fourth family to settle in the Valley, after the Matthews, Campbells and Rapseys. Paddy survived his wife by 24 years, until 1922. We now follow the families of Michael and James who stayed in the district:

Michael lived in the Valley most of his life, but retired in 1930, taking his family to live in Mosman, Sydney. Strong district links, however, brought them back in 1935; they purchased Killara [correction Kallara] at Bandiana, a property later subdivided for housing and for (Bandiana) military use. Michael d. in 1957 aged 84; his son Bill (1911 [correction 1910]-1979) m. Genevieve Duggan (Ballarat); 3 chn: Michael, A.B.C. Radio, Sydney; Elizabeth (m. Richard Marsh, 2 chn. U.K.), James, (Registrar, Western General Hospital, Melbourne) and dau. Anne (1910 [correction 1909]-1980 m. Roy Trewella (Bethanga); 3 chn. Patricia (severely disabled in a car accident), Noel, and Barry.

Jim purchased his own dairy farm when the Ormidale Station was subdivided in 1902, building the brick house Clare in 1912. Of Jim and Nellie's descendents:

Girlie was a well-known Tallangatta resident, operating the shop Janice-Faye. Jack m. Madge Westwood, Bullioh teacher, later moved to Stanhope (dau. Carmel, m. Clark, 3 sons). Tom m. Doreen McKenzie McHarg (Walwa); moved to Tangambalanga in 1956; 2 daughters, Kerrie (Mullins-Gunst, now m. Colin Allison) and Vivienne (m. David Jenkins, 4 chn. Tangambalanga). Margaret m. William Power, Moorabbin, 3 chn. Pat m. Leo Smith, Preston, 2 chn. Matt m. Irene Welch: 4 chn. Karen (m. Robert 'Barney' Brown, 3 chn., live and work in Tallangatta, work the Mullins' property part-time. Adrian (Albury), Peter (Tallangatta), and Maree (m. Peter Dower, 3 chn, Mitta). After serving in WW2, Matt farmed Jim's property, originallly with Tom. Rene still lives in a new house on the property.

[Endorsed by Genevieve (Duggan) Mullins, Wodonga, and Kerrie Mullins-Gunst, Nth. Balwyn.]

- Extracted from Malcolm Ronan Old Tallangatta: A Town to Remember (Macron Publishing, Balwyn North, 1995), page 243